11 Reasons Why You Should Never Visit Barcelona

by Will Bradley | 07 July 2015 | Posted in SpainShort BreaksTop ListsDestinations

11 Reasons Why You Should Never Visit Barcelona

You may have heard some good things about this city called Barcelona… but don’t believe the hype.After reading this article you will never set foot there.

1. Pesky guys going round the streets selling beers.

What could be more annoying than being able to buy an ice cold Estrella for 1 euro whenever you want? Just leave me alone…ok?

Estrella BarcelomaPicture: driftwoodjournals.com

2.  The funny architecture…

All those swirls and spires, I just don’t see the point.barcelona_gaudi

3. The incredible variety of seafood dishes will mean you’ll find it impossible to choose what to eat.

Seafood-BoqueriaPicture: blog.laterooms.com

4. Troublesome cyclists are everywhere. It’s so cycle friendly you will see a lot of these menaces.

barcelona-by-bike-tourPicture: barcelonabybike.com

5. Cannabis clubs.

This flagrant abuse of the rules by these dirty hippy criminals makes me sick to my stomach…ahem.

Cannabis Social ClubPicture: 10best.com

6. The nightclubs play everything from jazz to techno until morning meaning you’ll be constantly exhausted.

Kubik BarcelonaPicture: Flickr

7. The free wifi will mean your friends back home will be seething with jealousy due to your unceasing Instagram posts…

Intagram BarcaPicture: Instagram

8. You will become addicted to Patatas Bravas and come home a stone heavier.

(This is a serious warning).

patatas bravasPicture: perchancetocook.com

9. The abundance of delicious Catalonian wine and Cava will make a mockery of your resolution to drink less.

Catalonian wine and cava toursPicture: foodieandtours.com

10. The beaches are so well maintained that you won’t find any of the free souvenirs typical to city beaches, like plastic bottles and cigarette butts.

barcelona beachPicture: barcelona-home.com

11. And finally, it will probably make you feel rubbish about your home town….

barcelona-europePicture: paradiseintheworld.com